High Humidity and Our Pets in Quebec

Duffy the dog reading about humidity

Warm and humid weather brings trouble to us, humans. It makes us uncomfortable and unsettled. Nevertheless, we managed to use methods to cool down our body temperatures by sweating in order to evaporate the heat away.

Ideally, humidity is often described as between 35-60 percent (different experts opinions), but when the average humidity goes beyond its limit (commonly during summer), it can contribute to several problems like fungus, the growth of mold and to more serious problems for people who have allergies and asthma; yet even worse, it can cause high levels of health issues  from having dry skin and irritation to problems with our respiratory system.

Luckily us humans evolved and started creating new ways of help to reduce those hazards: we invented fans, air conditioners, even elaborated and created new ways of solutions. Good for us!

Today, while I was at the office, we had Duffy, our colleague Guy’s dog visit us. Super friendly dog! Suddenly I notice Duffy panting in an intriguing way that made me question and research. I knew it was something related to the climate and humidity, yet I wanted to have more answers. I found this interesting link which tackles the issue of the problems that humidity causes to dogs.

Dogs don’t have our ways of cooling body temperature down. They ‘sweat’ through their foot pads and through painting: this is their evaporative area but unfortunately, when humidity raises, heat-related and dangerous problems can occur to dogs such as rapid pulses, dizziness, even kidney, brain, and liver damage!

Beware of humidity! There are several ways of prevention like reducing your dog’s mid-day walks or trying to replace them by night walks preferably in shaded parks near rivers or pools and also buying dehumidifiers for your house and basement. 

We have been having good, sunny days in Quebec lately (finally) albeit humid. Let’s reconsider our pets’ health once again so they can feel more loved, secure and most importantly healthy!

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