Our visual identity just got a facelift!

Basement Systems Quebec logo
11 years ago today, Michael Haydamous was in Vermont consulting with a Basement Systems, Inc. dealer.

He hadn’t heard much about the company Basement Systems at the time, but the meeting with the owners of the Vermont dealership was an eye opener. He was shown a fantastic waterproofing system that was already changing the whole basement waterproofing industry in the United States and Canada.

Quebec had not received this “upgrade” in the way basements are waterproofed, as Basement Systems had not ventured in this francophone territory yet.

Michael saw this as a great opportunity, especially that many homeowners in Quebec suffer relentlessly from basement problems due to the advanced average age of houses in the province.

Having started the company in 2005, naming the dealership Metropolitan Basement Systems and then Basement Systems Quebec as we took on a larger territory was a logical choice. It was decided early on to conserve the same logo guidelines and look as Basement Systems, incorporated, which is the network of dealers.

However, wanting to get closer to the local market and respecting the norms of the province of Quebec, the name was translated into French and the French logo started being used accordingly.

Over 2 500 basement and foundation jobs later, Systèmes Sous-sol Québec is starting to get recognized as a market leader, and the name and amazing solutions of Basement Systems Inc. are starting to take ground in Quebec.

We wanted the company to be perceived for what it is, a leading local business in basement solutions, but also the dealer of Basement Systems in Quebec. As such an upgrade to the company image and logo facelift were due, in order to make the company easier to recognize and consolidate its image.

We recently rolled out our new revamped logo. We decided to keep the main lines of the Basement Systems logo, namely the lines that reflect the foundation.

Pink was changed to red, showing our passion for below the grade work. It matches as well the mainly red color of the logo that positions the whole network, All Things Basementy. All things basementy

The font is now fully capitalized, stressing the fact that we are Systèmes Sous-sol, while keeping the Qc in the logo still shows we are the dealer in Quebec.

We hope that with this new logo revamp, the public will be able to recognize our brand more easily and that it will help us get to more basements and be able to help more people suffering from basement and foundation problems in Quebec.

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About the author

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Antonio Sabella
Directeur du marketing / Marketing Director
Antonio est un spécialiste en conception de systèmes au sein des réseaux internationaux Basement Systems et SupportWorks. Il travaille chaque jour à communiquer aux gens les solutions pour leurs problèmes de sous-sol et de fondation, tel que l'imperméabilisation, le contrôle de l'humidité, la finition ou bien la stabilisation.---- Antonio is a System Design Specialist within the international networks of Basement Systems and SupportWorks. He works everyday on communicating to people the right solutions for their basement and foundation problems, including waterproofing, humidity control, finishing and stabilization.

service area map

Proudly Serving the province of Québec

We serve the following areas

OntarioQuebec Our Locations:

Systèmes Sous-sol Québec
2990 Boul. le Corbusier
Laval, QC H7L 3M2