Flooded Basements - Interview with CBC

Heavy rains have been uncommon in this region for many years.

Due to all this unexpected rain, many homeowners have been severely affected as their basements flooded.

Our waterproofing expert, Mike Costello, said in an interview with CBC that he never expected so much rain. He explains that it's difficult to find an outlet point when every surface around the house has 4 feet of water around it, and that such special situations would need a whole lot of pumps to keep up with the flow rate.

Check out the interview at this link http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/916063299912/  

Water flooding a basement in Montreal



About the author

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Antonio Sabella
Directeur du marketing / Marketing Director
Antonio est un spécialiste en conception de systèmes au sein des réseaux internationaux Basement Systems et SupportWorks. Il travaille chaque jour à communiquer aux gens les solutions pour leurs problèmes de sous-sol et de fondation, tel que l'imperméabilisation, le contrôle de l'humidité, la finition ou bien la stabilisation.---- Antonio is a System Design Specialist within the international networks of Basement Systems and SupportWorks. He works everyday on communicating to people the right solutions for their basement and foundation problems, including waterproofing, humidity control, finishing and stabilization.

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2990 Boul. le Corbusier
Laval, QC H7L 3M2