Waterproof your basement in the middle of winter thanks to an interior basement drain!

Gone are the days when homeowners used to say "I have a problem with water infiltration in the basement, but I'll have to wait until spring and thaw period to fix it." Thanks to the technological innovations and the improvement of the waterproofing systems, it is no longer necessary to wait for spring, to fear the reappearance of the problem and to worry about the excavation of your land to install a French drain on the outside.

Our team of professionals is able to install an interior drainage system connected to a sump pump water evacuation system in the middle of winter before the water reappears and without excavating on the outside!

Our team works tirelessly throughout the year and during the long winter months to protect hundreds of basements that are victims of water infiltration caused by hydrostatic pressure, a high water table, rivers around your house, torrential rains and many other geographic factors that put the health of your home at risk.

How? It's easy!

1. Dig a 1-foot trench on the perimeter of the affected foundation.

Imperméabiliser le sous-sol en plein hiver grâce à un drain intérieur! - Image 1

2. Install the WaterGuard interior drain that intercepts water that seeps through the floor, wall, and footing of the foundation.

Imperméabiliser le sous-sol en plein hiver grâce à un drain intérieur! - Image 2

3. Connect the drain to a sump pump system (+ emergency pump with emergency battery).

Imperméabiliser le sous-sol en plein hiver grâce à un drain intérieur! - Image 3

4. Use the basement and enjoy a dry and livable space.

Imperméabiliser le sous-sol en plein hiver grâce à un drain intérieur! - Image 4


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About the author

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Anastasie Najem
Coordonnatrice Marketing / Marketing Coordinator
Anastasie est coordonnatrice en marketing et s'occupe principalement de la planification et de l'exécution des stratégies marketing. Elle est ainsi le pont qui assure une harmonie entre les différents départements de la compagnie. ___________________ Anastasie is our marketing coordinator and she is primarily responsible for planning and executing marketing strategies. She is thus the bridge that ensures harmony between the different departments of the company.

service area map

Proudly Serving the province of Québec

We serve the following areas

OntarioQuebec Our Locations:

Systèmes Sous-sol Québec
2990 Boul. le Corbusier
Laval, QC H7L 3M2