Photo Album: Crawl Space repair in SouthWest, Montreal
Mr. Moubarak from SouthWest in Montreal started having some concerns when he saw some cracks in drywall throughout the house. In addition, he was experiencing some bad smells and moisture coming from his crawlspace area.
Following his call, we sent her our specialist to inspect the crawl space.
Our technicians proceeded to install a CleanSpace membrane and three SmartJack support pillars.
Our Client is now reassured that the humidity which caused issues in her crawl space is a thing of the past!
Moisture in a house in SouthWest-Montreal
Moisture is very bad for the health and can also ruin the house. In this photo, you can see the state of the crawl space that needed the intervention of specialists.
Vents in a crawl space
Venting crawl spaces are a major problem since they increase the moisture and humidity in the area, allowing the growth and molds as well.
Molds deteriorating the floor joists in a Crawl Space in SouthWest
Mold spores will always grow in a high humidity area, and can deteriorate the floor joists in a Crawl Space.
Installation of SmartJack Support Pillars in SouthWest
SmartJack Support Pillars are steel support systems used to stabilized and level the girders and floor joists in a Crawlspace. In Addition they are super strong (support loads of more than 60,000 lbs.), and is the only solution that addresses problem soils.
SmartJacks Installed in SouthWest
The SmartJAcks Support Pillar is the best system to lift above floors and walls back to their original position.
Installing a CleanSpace Vapor Membrane in Montreal
In order to stop water vapor from flowing up the soil and through the walls. The technicians at Systèmes Sous-sol Québec’ have installed the CleanSpace membrane in the customer's crawl space. This membrane is very durable and affordable.