Photo Album: Basement Waterproofing in Lac-Drolet, QC
Our client Denis, living in Lac-Drolet, recently renovated his basement and was looking to install an exterior French drain to put an end for the persistent moisture problem. After filling out the form on our website, our specialist Nickolas visited our client for a free inspection. Nickolas presented in details a waterproofing solution, including our WaterGuard interior drainage system and our TripleSafe sump pump system. The drainage system proved to be perfectly effective. Additionally, the installation is quick compared to that of the French drain, preserving the landscape around the house as there will be no excavation.
Our work in Lac-Drolet, as shown in the following pictures, showcased the excellence of our products and services. Mr. Denis no longer has any concerns in his basement.
The basement during our inspection
There were some signs of excess humidity, thus urging the same to be waterproofed in order to prevent any possible structural damages
Installation of WaterGuard internal drain
The drain is placed on the foundation footing, away from mud and dirt to prevent clogging. The infiltrated water will be directly captured by the drain, thanks to the ⅜-inch protruding lip that channels water from the walls directly into the system. And to optimize the efficiency of the drain, we installed the TrenchDrain system to prevent water from entering through the stairs. In fact, TrenchDrain will directly channel water to the WaterGuard drain.
The TripleSafe sump pump system
This system consists of three pumps: The first reliable and efficient 1/3 HP Zoeller pump, the second 1/2 HP Zoeller pump which operates when the first pump needs assistance, and the third backup pump that activates in case of a power outage.
IceGuard system to protect the discharge lines
We connected our interior drain to a discharge line that will lead the water outside. This discharge line includes our patented IceGuard system, designed to eliminate the risk of flooding if this line freezes during cold periods.