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Products & Services
  • Services et Produits de Réparation de Sous-sol
  • WaterGuard Système Intérieur
  • DryTrak Canal de Drainage
  • TrenchDrain Grille de Vidange
  • IceGuard Ligne de Décharge
  • FlexiSpan Réparation de Fissures Murales
  • Scellage des Fissures
  • WellDuct Vidange de Fenêtre
  • BrightWall Panneaux étanches
  • ThermalDry Mur Barrière
  • Installation de Tuiles de Drainage
  • SuperPump Système de Pompe
  • Sanidry Déshumidificateur
  • Réparation du Mur de Fondation
  • PolyLevel Levage de Béton
  • EZ Post Réparation de Pont
  • Shotcrete Restauration de Mur
  • Geo-Lock Ancrages de Mur de Fondation
  • Geo-Lock Système de Réparation de Glissement de Rue
  • EverBrace Systèmes de Restoration de Mur
Before and After Pictures from Beaconsfield
Installing the TripleSafe Sump Pump in Beaconsfield, QC

Installing the TripleSafe Sump Pump in Beaconsfield, QC

Before After
Installing the TripleSafe Sump Pump in Beaconsfield, QC Installing the TripleSafe Sump Pump in Beaconsfield, QC

Tucked away in a Beaconsfield home lay an old, rusty sump pump, barely keeping up with its duties. (See the "BEFORE" photo for its sorry state!) Realizing the need for a powerful, enduring solution, the homeowner reached out to us. Pleased to highlight our commitment to exceptional services and lasting results, we swapped the aging system with our TripleSafe Sump Pump and added the IceGuard for extra security against freezing. Notice in the "AFTER" photo—the difference isn't just visible, it's confidence reassured.

Water leakage in a basement in Beaconsfield, Qc

Water leakage in a basement in Beaconsfield, Qc

Before After
Water leakage in a basement in Beaconsfield, Qc Water leakage in a basement in Beaconsfield, Qc


Mrs. Weaver had water leaks in her basement. This is due to the malfunction of her sump pump.


Replace your pump with our SuperSump sump pump system. This pump is able to pump outside the basement up to 8,300 liters of water per hour, it will keep our client's basement dry with our Sanidry Sedona dehumidifier.


Sump pump Installation in Beaconsfield, Quebec

Sump pump Installation in Beaconsfield, Quebec

Before After
Sump pump Installation in Beaconsfield, Quebec Sump pump Installation in Beaconsfield, Quebec

Our clients in Beaconsfield had a water infiltration problem due the sump pump overflowing during a big rain. They thought this could happen again, as they only had one pump in the pit and there was no battery backup system. They only knew about there issue when it was too late and the water was already on their basement floor. Also their sump pit was open, causing a lot of humidity in the basement.  

As they thought this could definitely happen again, they called us to install a sump pit with the intention of finishing their basement. They needed a system that would give them the peace of mind, once and for all. As such, our specialist recommended the TripleSafe sump pump system, as this met the clients' needs with features such as 2 main pumps, one battery-operated backup pump, an alarm system and an airtight sump lid to help lower the humidity level in the basement.

Company Awards
#1 Canadian Dealer 2020
We are so proud to announce that we have won, for another year, the Top Candian Dealer award within the... [Read more]
25 Miles Award
After having served thousands of clients and repaired thousands of basements, we have finally reached the great milestone of the... [Read more]
2019 Consumer Choice Award
Systèmes Sous-Sol Québec was selected as the winner of the 2019 Consumer Choice Award in the category "Foundations- Replacement and... [Read more]
More Awards
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Testimonials From Beaconsfield
Now I am gaining 1500 sq. ft. of living space in my house!
Testimonial by Garnet A. from Beaconsfield, QC

Basement Finishing & Waterproofing Services in Beaconsfield, QC

There is not a drop of water in the basement this year and we have probably had the worst spring...

Professional Basement Finishing & Waterproofing Solutions

Who doesn't want a dry, attractive, usable basement? A finished basement means more space in your home that can be used as a place to go to relax, to entertaining, to use as a guest bedroom, to have a space for the kids to play and much more - the possibilities are endless! No matter how you decide to use your finished basement, the professionals at Systèmes Sous-sol Québec are here to make it beautiful...and dry!

There's no better time than now to do some basement waterproofing and basement finishing so that you can finally enjoy a dry, attractive basement that you can be proud of!

Structural Repair Contractors

We also offer foundation repair, crawl space repair, insulation and air sealing services in Beaconsfield, QC.

Contact us today to schedule your FREE estimate in Beaconsfield, QC  and nearby areas.

Get A FREE Quote

Services we offer in Beaconsfield:

  • Wet/flooded basement waterproofing solutions.
  • Lifetime warranty on all perimeter waterproofing systems.
  • Foundation repair solutions.
  • 25-year warranty against manufacturing defects on foundation products.
  • Basement finishing and remodeling services.
  • Crawl space repair solutions
  • Crawl space sealing with CleanSpace vapor barrier.
  • 25-year warranty on crawl space encapsulation systems.
  • Radiant barriers
  • Air sealing & duct sealing
  • Duct insulation
  • Ice dam prevention
  • Financing Available
  • FREE written estimates and inspections
  • Fast and thorough installations

Innovative, waterproof basement finishing system in Quebec

Whether you are remodeling your basement into a new apartment, a playroom for the kids, or a man cave to watch the game, Systèmes Sous-sol Québec can help you create these spaces and so much more! Our professionally-trained crew, moisture-resistant and customizable remodeling products, and reliable service take the worry out of the process. Plus, you’ll have a livable, finished space you’ll be proud to show off for years to come!

While basement finishing can be a fun and exciting process, choosing the wrong contractor can really mess up the whole project. Faulty products, bad service, and poor craftsmanship can ruin the vision you may have for the space. But there is no need to worry with Systèmes Sous-sol Québec. Our basement finishing solutions were designed for even the toughest basement environments, creating a beautiful space that lasts for years to come. Plus, our friendly, professionally trained crew ensures you never have to question our process- we are with you every step of the way!

Other basement remodeling and finishing contractors tend to provide off-the-shelf remodeling products, prone to water damage, mold, and rotting. But with the exclusive Total Basement Finishing system, we install products designed for even the toughest basement environments! We offer beautiful, customizable, and waterproof basement remodeling solutions Quebec and nearby. Click below and contact us to learn more!

Case Studies From Beaconsfield
We have a client in Beaconsfield who contacted us to have a sump pump quote. When she contacted us for more information about our waterproofing...
Several factors can cause attic problems. Air leakage through wiring holes or pipe holes and around chimneys, ducts and access hatches, recessed...
Job Stories From Beaconsfield, QC
Water Leakage in a basement in Beaconsfield, Qc

Mrs. Weaver had water leaks in her basement. This was due to the malfunction of her sump pump.

Our solution was to replace his pump with our SuperSump sump pump system which is able to pump outside the basement up to 8,300 liters of water per hour and will keep our client's basement dry especially along with our Sanidry Sedona dehumidifier.



Water Leakage in a basement in Beaconsfield, Qc - Photo 1
Water and humidity in a basement in Beaconsfield, Qc

A year ago, we have received a phone call from one of our clients who lives in Beaconsfield asking about our products. During our conversation, Mrs. Esmeralda told us that she was upset from the state of her basement that was always dry, although she had already a pump installed since years. Also was complaining that the area was very cold, and she was paying much on having extra heating.

After this call we informed our client that we will send our team to inspect this basement for free.

Our team confirmed her problems and noticed also that mold was growing, and the existing sump pump was not effective.

Furthermore our team recommended changing this sump pump into one of the best sump pumps in the market which is the SuperSump pump.

The SuperSump pump system features a Zoeller sump pump system and our durable sump pump liner. The SuperSump's is available in ⅓ and ½ HP pump models, which are able to pump out 2,200 and 3,900 gallons, respectively.

Mrs. Esemeralda was very satisfied with the installation and the customer service of our company.  

Water and humidity in a basement in Beaconsfield, Qc - Photo 1
Basement Waterproofing in Beaconsfield, Quebec

15 years after having moved to this beautiful house in Beaconsfield, our client started having regular water infiltration problems in her basement, especially in Spring. Water would seep in at the cold joints between the basement slab and the foundation cement walls, despite having a French Drain system installed years ago.

The homeowner called several contractors who advised her to reinstall or fix the French Drain, which is the system that never helped her with her water issues to begin with. She thought it did not make sense to repair the problem in her basement with the same system. 

After doing a thorough internet search for basement waterproofing companies, she found us on Google. Seeing the many jobs we had done in Beaconsfield, and the hundreds of positive references and reviews we had, the client decided to call us for a free inspection of her basement.

Our specialist Jorge Zatarain did a full and thorough inspection on the inside and outside of the home, and recommended to install an internal drainage system called the WaterGuard, on most of the basement walls. Since our client had an existing sump pump that functioned well, Jorge recommended to discharge the water from the internal drain there.

The WaterGuard did an amazing job, and ensured the basement of our client stayed dry. It also came with a lifetime transferable warranty, thus offering our client the peace of mind of having no more water infiltration her basement. 

Basement Waterproofing in Beaconsfield, Quebec - Photo 1
Work Requests From Beaconsfield, QC
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
We would like to waterproof our basement.
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
Possible mold in crawlspace - Lookin to install membrane to fix - 19' X 31'
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
Bonjour, je suis curieux de savoir le prix pour une super sump pump incluant l'installation. Je dois changer ma sump pump régulière. Merci
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
I just got flooded by the recent rainfall. I have a sump pump system already but obviously it probably needs to be upgraded.
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
I need a opinion on how to fix my French drain drainage cause my house flooded
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
Would like a solution to stop water from entering the basement.
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
Crack on the foundation wall and the water filtration
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
J'aimerai un quote pour l'installation d'un nouveau pompe avec un backup. Notre trou pour le pompe et pas très grand donc il ce peut que ça devrait être agrandi. Aussi il ce peut que j'ai besoin un nouveau tuyaux pour faire sortir l'eau. J'aimerais un system assez silencieux car notre pompe est assez active durant certains périodes de l'année. On a aussi subi une inondation à cause d'un manque de courant récemment. Merci, Nick
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
Nous aimerions faire installer une pompe de secours en cas de panne d'électricité et voulons avoir un estimé.
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
Corner of garage is sunken by a few inches and garage floor needs to be replaced.
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
Got a energy evaluation and it was suggested to increase basement insulation levels.
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
Fissure longitudinale sur la fondation intérieure sous sol.
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
We've had a water damage, total basement loss. We are looking for a good contractor for the rebuild. This is on an insurance claim (unlimited coverage)
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
I'm looking to change my sump pump and was interested in your triple system.
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
J'aimerais avoir un avis sur mon système de sump pump. Je suis craintif lorsqu'il y a une panne. J'ai 2 pits. les deux ont une pompe submersible de ⅓ hp et un pit a un système sumpjet non efficace et mal réglé (je crois).
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
J'ai une infiltration d'eau au plafond de ma chambre froide au sous-sol. Cela se situe exactement sous les marches de mon perron.
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
Underground gutter extensions for 2 downspouts
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
Basement sump pump backup required and dehumidifier
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
Basement floods
Project Location: Beaconsfield, QC
The house is built in 1932 . There is only a crawl space and its damged by water, mould and rot. We need an estimate for repairs.