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Products & Services
  • Services et Produits de Réparation de Sous-sol
  • WaterGuard Système Intérieur
  • DryTrak Canal de Drainage
  • TrenchDrain Grille de Vidange
  • IceGuard Ligne de Décharge
  • FlexiSpan Réparation de Fissures Murales
  • Scellage des Fissures
  • WellDuct Vidange de Fenêtre
  • BrightWall Panneaux étanches
  • ThermalDry Mur Barrière
  • Installation de Tuiles de Drainage
  • Installation de Couvre-Vents pour Vide Sanitaire
  • SuperPump Système de Pompe
  • Sanidry Déshumidificateur
  • Réparation du Mur de Fondation
  • PolyLevel Levage de Béton
  • EZ Post Réparation de Pont
  • Shotcrete Restauration de Mur
  • Geo-Lock® Foundation Wall Anchors
  • GeoLock®  Street Creep Repair System
  • EverBrace Wall Restoration System™
Before and After Pictures from Boisbriand
An old sump pump replaced by the TripleSafe in Boisbriand!

An old sump pump replaced by the TripleSafe in Boisbriand!

Before After
An old sump pump replaced by the TripleSafe in Boisbriand! An old sump pump replaced by the TripleSafe in Boisbriand!

The TripleSafe is our pride! If you live along the water in Boisbriand and, like our client, your basement is subject to water infiltration frequently, it is time to solve this problem once and for all. To do so, you need a sump pump system that can serve as a backup to your basement to protect all your belongings. Our TripleSafe system protects your basement space three times more thanks to the three pumps present in a hermetic and aesthetic double liner. The Zoeller M-53 pump will do most of the pumping during normal conditions. Then, the Zoeller M-98 pump starts when the flow is too fast or when the first pump is not enough for the job. Finally, the UltraSump battery pump takes over during a power failure because it runs on battery power.

We are pleased to have been able to install the TripleSafe sump pump system for one of our customers in Boisbriand so we can protect his basement against the risk of water infiltrations from the river. 

Changing of a sump pump in Boisbriand , Qc

Changing of a sump pump in Boisbriand , Qc

Before After
Changing of a sump pump in Boisbriand , Qc Changing of a sump pump in Boisbriand , Qc

Problem: This Boisbriand customer had an accumulation of water near his sump pump everytime it rained, so he wanted to change his entire system as quickly as possible.


Solution: Our certified specialist installed our TripleSafe pump. It is fitted with two pumps for two different flow levels. So when the first reaches its maximum, the second comes to its aid and pumps the water at a higher rate. Also, this sump pump comes with a battery back-up in case there was a power failure.

This client can now have the peace of mind and can enjoy a dry basement.

Company Awards
#1 Canadian Dealer 2020
We are so proud to announce that we have won, for another year, the Top Candian Dealer award within the... [Read more]
25 Miles Award
After having served thousands of clients and repaired thousands of basements, we have finally reached the great milestone of the... [Read more]
2019 Consumer Choice Award
Systèmes Sous-Sol Québec was selected as the winner of the 2019 Consumer Choice Award in the category "Foundations- Replacement and... [Read more]
More Awards
Happy Customers Surrounding Boisbriand, QC
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Work Requests

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Boisbriand, QC's Foundation Repair & Waterproofing Contractor

I'd be proud to recommend Basement Systems Quebec to anyone looking for professional basement waterproofing work....

Responsible basement waterproofing, foundation repair company serving Boisbriand, Quebec

We not only adhere to the highest industry standards, we strive to be the industry leader in the home improvement-related services we provide. We also use state-of-the-art products and technology which are designed to fix your home. We are the authorized Basement Systems dealer in Boisbriand, QC.

FREE Quote

Services we offer in Boisbriand:

  • Wet/flooded basement waterproofing solutions.
  • Lifetime warranty on all perimeter waterproofing systems.
  • Foundation and structural repair solutions.
  • 25-year warranty against manufacturing defects on foundation products.
  • Basement finishing and remodeling services.
  • Crawl space sealing with CleanSpace vapor barrier.
  • 25-year warranty on crawl space encapsulation systems.
  • Financing Available
  • FREE written estimates and inspections, and fast installation
  • Gutter Installation
  • Gutter Guards
  • And More!

Waterproof basement flooring, wall panels, & other remodeling products

Building the basement of your dreams should be an exciting experience. But worrying over basement flooding and leaks can definitely get in the way. But there is nothing to worry about with the remodeling experts at Systèmes Sous-sol Québec.

Other basement finishing contractors usually offer remodeling products that are prone to rotting, water damage, mold, and other moisture issues. That is why we provide the Total Basement Finishing System. From walls to floors, our remodeling solutions were designed with the basement environment in mind, ensuring they are waterproof, durable, and beautiful for years to come.

Our basement remodeling products in Quebec

  • Basement wall panels
  • Insulated floor decking
  • Basement floor tiles
  • Plank basement flooring
  • Finished wall restoration
  • Drop ceiling tiles
  • Basement doors
  • Egress windows
  • Trim & crown molding options
  • And more!

Get started on the basement of your dreams by scheduling a free service estimate with Systèmes Sous-sol Québec today. Whether you want to build a new downstairs apartment, a playroom for the kids, or an entertainment area for guests, the only limit is your imagination.

Case Studies From Boisbriand
A homeowner reached out after noticing a concerning crack in their foundation, it was evident that the property might be showing signs of foundation...
Job Stories From Boisbriand, QC
Sump pump problems in Boisbriand, Qc

Mr Adam who lives in Boisbriand had problems with his old sump pump.

Everytime it rained, water was accumulating in basement, making the place wet and was ruining all his belongings.

After many research done, Adam found our company and called us for a free inspection.

Following his call, our certified specialist installed our TripleSafe pump. It is fitted with two pumps for two different flow levels. So when the first reaches its maximum, the second comes to its aid and pumps the water at a higher rate. Also, this sump pump comes with a battery back-up in case there was a power failure.

This client can now have the peace of mind and can enjoy a dry basement.


Sump pump problems in Boisbriand, Qc - Photo 1
Work Requests From Boisbriand, QC
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Bonjour J'aimerais avoir une soumission pour l'installation de un puisard avec pompe pour inviter d'être inondé dans mon sous-sol de maison ( après les fortes pluies mon sous sol as eux l'eau et les assurances me demande d'installer un pompe à eau pour éviter une prochaine inondation
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Aimerait soumission pour imperméabilisation plancher sous-sol et ajout de deshumidificateur partie basse du sous-sol.
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Installation d'un puisard, d'une pompe électrique et d'une pompe de secours à batterie. Potentiellement un drain de sous-sol aussi. Nous avons pour l'instant seulement un drain de garage, sans pompe. Merci!
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Bonsoir J aimerais avoir un estimé pour l installation d une sump pomp de secours qui ne demande pas d électricité. J'en ai déjà une électrique et le trou est déjà fait.
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Affaissement fondation sur le côté droit de la maison. Semble stable depuis plusieurs années. Cherche solution pour stabiliser ou même redresser ( côté droit 2 pouces plus bas que côté gauche) et assurer la valeur de la maison en cas de revente.
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Infiltration d'eau avec possibilité de fissure
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Fissure dans une cave de service. Eau provenant du sol ET mur. ( Je vie sur le bord de l'eau) DONC maison qui deviens de plus en plus humide et je voudrais reduire les perte de chaleur....
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Salage avant / droit coin de maison est craqué et commence à ouvrir. Près de porte de garage. Merci.
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Réparation de 3 fissures de fondation à l'extérieur.
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Fissure à réparer suite à l'inspection
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Eau qui s'infiltre lorsqu'il pleut fort, mur mouillé en dessous de la fenetre, aucune infiltration cet hiver.
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Je désire imperméabiliser les fondations de notre maison incluant la réparation de fissures.
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Décontamination sous sol et 1er étage
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Gros problème moisissures et spore. J'aimerais Impermeabilise mon sous sol. Avant je vais faire decontaminer. Est-ce que vous faite la décontamination aussi.
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Moisissure 95 % et spore au sous-sol comfirmer par chimiste. Je veux régler le problème car j'ai beaucoup symptômes du à ce problème.
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Efflorescence au sous-sol humidité Drain de fondation interieur
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Réparation de fondation 3 fissures
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Inspection de dalle de sous sol et mur du sous sol
Project Location: Boisbriand, QC
Demain frances cassé