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Products & Services
  • Services et Produits de Réparation de Sous-sol
  • WaterGuard Système Intérieur
  • DryTrak Canal de Drainage
  • TrenchDrain Grille de Vidange
  • IceGuard Ligne de Décharge
  • FlexiSpan Réparation de Fissures Murales
  • Scellage des Fissures
  • WellDuct Vidange de Fenêtre
  • BrightWall Panneaux étanches
  • ThermalDry Mur Barrière
  • Installation de Tuiles de Drainage
  • Installation de Couvre-Vents pour Vide Sanitaire
  • SuperPump Système de Pompe
  • Sanidry Déshumidificateur
  • Réparation du Mur de Fondation
  • PolyLevel Levage de Béton
  • EZ Post Réparation de Pont
  • Shotcrete Restauration de Mur
  • Geo-Lock® Foundation Wall Anchors
  • GeoLock®  Street Creep Repair System
  • EverBrace Wall Restoration System™
Before and After Pictures from Longueuil
Replacing an old sump pump with the TripleSafe system in Longueil, Qc

Replacing an old sump pump with the TripleSafe system in Longueil, Qc

Before After
Replacing an old sump pump with the TripleSafe system in Longueil, Qc Replacing an old sump pump with the TripleSafe system in Longueil, Qc

When you have a sump pump that does not have a lid, it is highly likely that your pit is getting dirt and other contaminants in it, which can lead to clogs that will cause it to slow down or stop eventually.

So when we came to check this sump pump in Longueil, we knew right away that it needs to be replaced by a new one.

Our TripleSafe sump pump comes with a three-pump system that adjusts automatically to meet pumping requirements, in addition to a battery-powered pump to protect the place from flooding during power outages.

Encapsulating a crawl space in Longueuil, Qc

Encapsulating a crawl space in Longueuil, Qc

Before After
Encapsulating a crawl space in Longueuil, Qc Encapsulating a crawl space in Longueuil, Qc

Ms. Perreault had a very wet crawl space that was not isolated. The humidity was felt all over the house so she was worried about the quality of the air in her home. She decided to call Systèmes Sous-sol Québec in order to solve her problems once and for all.


At start, our specialists installed our EZ Flow drainage system which was connected to our SuperSump sump pump system. This way, the water is directed down the drain and discharged by the sump pump. Then, in order to eliminate the humidity, our drainage membrane as well as our CleanSpace coating was installed. The membrane, among other things, allows surface water to flow into the sump pump system and create a thermal cushion. Our CleanSpace serves to insulate the house from the earthen floor and lock in moisture. It also gives a clear and clean appearance to the crawl space.


Old sump pump changed in Longueuil, Qc

Old sump pump changed in Longueuil, Qc

Before After
Old sump pump changed in Longueuil, Qc Old sump pump changed in Longueuil, Qc

Does your sump pump have a cover? If not, it is highly likely that your pet is getting dirt and other contaminants in it, which can lead to clogs that will cause it to slow down or stop eventually.

This was the case of our client Mrs. Takla who lives in Saint-Jerome, and contacted us in order to replace her sump with one of the best sump pumps in the market ‘the TripleSafe’.

This sump pump system provides the ultimate protection against basement leaks and moisture problems.

It has three pumps that will respond to the most prevalent problems that a homeowner could experience when their waterproofing systems fail!

Company Awards
#1 Canadian Dealer 2020
We are so proud to announce that we have won, for another year, the Top Candian Dealer award within the... [Read more]
25 Miles Award
After having served thousands of clients and repaired thousands of basements, we have finally reached the great milestone of the... [Read more]
2019 Consumer Choice Award
Systèmes Sous-Sol Québec was selected as the winner of the 2019 Consumer Choice Award in the category "Foundations- Replacement and... [Read more]
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Structural Repair & Basement Waterproofing Experts in Longueuil, QC

Responsible basement waterproofing, foundation repair company serving Longueuil, Quebec

We not only adhere to the highest industry standards, we strive to be the industry leader in the home improvement-related services we provide. We also use state-of-the-art products and technology which are designed to fix your home. We are the authorized Basement Systems dealer in Longueuil, QC.

Innovative, waterproof basement flooring, wall panels, & more remodeling solutions

When you choose Systèmes Sous-sol Québec, you are going with a basement finishing professional who will take the worry out of your next remodeling project. We know basements and we know what solutions your space needs to create the dry and beautiful space of your dreams. Whether you want to build a new apartment, a playroom for the kids, or an entertainment area for guests, we will work with you to ensure the space exceeds your expectations and lasts for years to come.

Unlike other common remodeling products, the Total Basement Finishing system does not use organic materials, like wood and fiberglass insulation, which is prone to mold, water damage, and rotting. Instead, we provide beautiful and customizable products that help you realize your vision for the space and keep the basement dry.

Free basement remodeling estimates in Quebec

Are you feeling inspired to transform your leaky, unfinished basement? Contact the remodeling experts at Systèmes Sous-sol Québec today! We provide innovative, waterproof, and customizable basement finishing solutions guaranteed to exceed your expectations. Plus, our skilled crew and reliable service takes the worry out of your project. At the end of it all, you will have a beautiful space that you will be proud to show off!

Click below to schedule a free basement finishing estimate today. We proudly serve Quebec and nearby areas.

FREE Quote

Services we offer in Longueuil:

  • Wet/flooded basement waterproofing solutions.
  • Lifetime warranty on all perimeter waterproofing systems.
  • Foundation and structural repair solutions.
  • 25-year warranty against manufacturing defects on foundation products.
  • Basement finishing and remodeling services.
  • Crawl space sealing with CleanSpace vapor barrier.
  • 25-year warranty on crawl space encapsulation systems.
  • Financing Available
  • FREE written estimates and inspections, and fast installation
  • Gutter Installation
  • Gutter Guards
  • And More!
Case Studies From Longueuil
While purchasing their new home located at 356 Rue Saint-Sylvestre, Mina was informed that there were water infiltration problems in the basement of...
Job Stories From Longueuil, QC
A poorly waterproofed basement in Longueil, Qc

Mrs. Takla contacted Systèmes Sous-Sol Québec because of a water infiltration in the basement of her house located on 356 Rue Saint-Sylvestre.

Following the 1.5 hour inspection of the owner’s basement, César Guevara showed Mina what was the waterproofing problem and how he could help fix it.

The water seeped in at the level of the wall as well as through certain critical areas of the concrete slab.

The team proceeded with the installation of an interior foundation drain system called WaterGuard. Next, they placed rock at the bottom of the hole, to lay the WaterGuard drain lengths there. Once they lay the“TripleSafe” pump system. This pump system then evacuates the water to the outside of the house. In order to finish the job properly, the team of technicians put concrete on the drain and around the pump system. In addition, a FlexiSpan membrane, specially designed to act as an elastic barrier, was applied to the basement walls to close the cracks, making it completely waterproof and dry.

Mina is now being able to use her dry basement properly and as she needed.

A poorly waterproofed basement in Longueil, Qc - Photo 1A poorly waterproofed basement in Longueil, Qc - Photo 2A poorly waterproofed basement in Longueil, Qc - Photo 3
Humidity in a crawl space in Longueuil, Qc

Ms. Perreault has lived in her house for several years. Since 2015, she has had humidity problems and was worried about the quality of the air in her home. She even had up to 3”of water in her crawl space.

So she received quotes from many contractors, but she chose to do business with Systèmes Sous-sol Québec for the reliability and performance of the proposed solutions.

The solution was to first install our EZ Flow drainage system which was connected to our SuperSump sump pump system. This way, the water is directed into the drain and is evacuated by the sump pump. Then, in order to eliminate the humidity, our drainage membrane as well as our CleanSpace coating were installed. The membrane, among other things, allows surface water to flow into the sump pump system and creates a thermal cushion. Our CleanSpace insulates the house from the earthen floor and locks in moisture. It also gives a clear and clean appearance to the crawl space.

With this solution, Mme Perreaut has a permanently dry crawl space!

Humidity in a  crawl space in Longueuil, Qc - Photo 1
Work Requests From Longueuil, QC
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Problème d'humidité dans in vide sanitaire à Magog
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Infiltration d'eau possible par le vide sanitaire
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Le bassin de captation de l'installation de pompe de puisard s'est souleve lors des dernieres pluies et doit etre reinstalle.
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Sous-sol humide et trace de béton plus foncer
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Demande urgent car préachat d'une propriété en vu de faire les travaux rapidement
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Nous sommes en train de rénover notre sous-sol et avons constaté la présence d'efflorescence au sol. Un de vos inspecteurs est déjà passé il y a quelques mois, mais le problème d'avère de plus gros envergure que ce qui a été constaté lors de sa visite. J'aimerais donc obtenir un diagnostic et une soumission pour résoudre le problème.
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Fissure dans le coin gauche au dessus du linteau du garage. La fissure se poursuit dans la brique au dessus.
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Odor in basement bathroom after basement renovation
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Bonjour, j'ai un puisard d'urgence deja installe, mais il n'y a pas de couvercle étanche, et il est mal installé (semble y avoir des ouvertures, ce qui pourrait être source de radon je suis prudent avec ca). Je me demandais comment coute votre système, ca semble mieux que ce que nous avons en place. Merci
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Bonjour, Nous habitons une maison semi détaché à Longueuil dont la construction du bâtiment date des années 1910. Il y a de l'infiltration d'eau dans le sous-sol et quelques fissures au niveau de la fondation. Le sous-sol est non fini et sur une dalle de béton. Nous voudrions en premier regarder pour réparer les fissures et l'installation d'un drain français. Par la suite, nous voudrions aussi finir une partie du sous-sol. Installtionde mur et aménagement d'une salle de bain.
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Installation d'une pompe de puisard submersible électrique et a batterie au sous-sol pour éviter la montée de la nappe phréatique( eau de pluie). Il n'y a aucun système installé.
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Installation d'un puisard et pompes d'assèchement au sous-sol pour éviter l'eau qui vient après pluie abondante. Présentement a part un drain de plancher il n'a aucun puits .
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Inondation a repetition au sous sol
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Bonjour, Nous aimerions faire installer une pompe à batterie au sous-sol. Nous avons déjà une cuve. Nous voudrions un système qui rejette l'eau vers l'égout de la ville via le drain, muni d'un clapet et qui rejette l'eau sur le terrain seulement en cas de refoulement d'égout. Merci!
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Infiltration d'eau lorsqu'il y a plus de 50mm a l'heure. Faux plancher mais pas tout la superficie du sous-sol. Pompe pour ne pas innonder. Merci Salutations,
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Je désire remplacer mes pompes de puisard, sump pump, par un équipement plus fiable et à batterie. Je veux qqc de fiable en tout temps.
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Infiltration d'eau au sous-sol, lors de fortes pluies, probablement causé par une fissure dans la fondation
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Avec les changements climatiques, je veux une meilleure protection contre l'invasion de l'eau dans mon sous-sol, en cas de panne électrique.
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Avec les changements climatiques, je veux une meilleure protection en cas de panne électrique.
Project Location: Longueuil, QC
Estimation sump pump batterie
Serving the following Longueuil, QC postal codes
J4G, J4H, J4J, J4K, J4L, J4M, J4N, J4P