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Reviews From Rosemere
Products & Services
  • Services et Produits de Réparation de Sous-sol
  • WaterGuard Système Intérieur
  • DryTrak Canal de Drainage
  • TrenchDrain Grille de Vidange
  • IceGuard Ligne de Décharge
  • FlexiSpan Réparation de Fissures Murales
  • Scellage des Fissures
  • WellDuct Vidange de Fenêtre
  • BrightWall Panneaux étanches
  • ThermalDry Mur Barrière
  • Installation de Tuiles de Drainage
  • Installation de Couvre-Vents pour Vide Sanitaire
  • SuperPump Système de Pompe
  • Sanidry Déshumidificateur
  • Réparation du Mur de Fondation
  • PolyLevel Levage de Béton
  • EZ Post Réparation de Pont
  • Shotcrete Restauration de Mur
  • Geo-Lock® Foundation Wall Anchors
  • GeoLock®  Street Creep Repair System
  • EverBrace Wall Restoration System™
Before and After Pictures from Rosemere
Basement Waterproofing in Rosemère

Basement Waterproofing in Rosemère

Before After
Basement Waterproofing in Rosemère Basement Waterproofing in Rosemère

After experiencing issues in his basement from water leaking and severe humidity that resulted in several failure attempts to sell the house , our clients contacted our company for a free consultation .
As you can see in the pictures ,this was the old sump pump used.
In the second picture you can see that our company has replaced the old sump pump with the Super Sump Pump.
As a result , our client's basement was totally dry and therefore he was able to sell the house .

Installing a TripleSafe sump pump system in Rosemere, Quebec

Installing a TripleSafe sump pump system in Rosemere, Quebec

Before After
Installing a TripleSafe  sump pump system in Rosemere, Quebec Installing a TripleSafe  sump pump system in Rosemere, Quebec

The installation of the TripleSafe sump pump system in a basement that previously had a defiant sump pump brings a significant improvement in both functionality and peace of mind. Unlike the old pump, the TripleSafe system offers triple-layered protection, including a primary pump for standard operation, a secondary pump for backup, and a battery-powered pump for emergencies during power outages. This comprehensive system ensures that the basement remains dry even in extreme weather conditions or electrical failures, providing long-term protection against water damage, mold growth, and structural issues.

Repair of a foundation crack with the Flexispan in Rosemère, Qc

Repair of a foundation crack with the Flexispan in Rosemère, Qc

Before After
Repair of a foundation crack with the Flexispan in Rosemère, Qc Repair of a foundation crack with the Flexispan in Rosemère, Qc

Problem: The client who resides in the town of Rosemère had a crack in her foundation and water entered during the period of snowmelt and  when there was rain. She wanted to fix this problem, as it had been going on for a while and she had tried to fix it, but unfortunately it had not worked the way she wanted.



Solution: The solution for this project was to put our product called Flexispan, this product is made from polyurethane that we inject into the crack. We then cover the crack with a polyurethane-based coating to create a beautiful light gray finish to match the coating to the concrete. Finally, we dig a small hole in front of the place where the crack is found and which will have the drainage membrane, in the event that there is water that tries to pass through the Flexispan. However, it will be redirected to the sump pump.

Company Awards
#1 Canadian Dealer 2020
We are so proud to announce that we have won, for another year, the Top Candian Dealer award within the... [Read more]
25 Miles Award
After having served thousands of clients and repaired thousands of basements, we have finally reached the great milestone of the... [Read more]
2019 Consumer Choice Award
Systèmes Sous-Sol Québec was selected as the winner of the 2019 Consumer Choice Award in the category "Foundations- Replacement and... [Read more]
More Awards
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Rosemere, QC's Basement Waterproofing & Foundation Repair Company

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Basement Waterproofing, Foundation Repair & More in Rosemere, Quebec

Systèmes Sous-sol Québec is the leading local expert in home repairs and general maintenance in Rosemere. They offer solutions to problems in almost any area of your home, including crawl spaces, basements, foundations, gutters, and more. Whether there is a problem that needs fixing or you're simply looking to upgrade certain parts of your home, we have you covered.

Services we offer in Rosemere:

  • Basement waterproofing solutions
  • Foundation & structural repair solutions
  • Basement finishing & remodeling
  • Crawl space sealing & encapsulation
  • Gutters & gutter guard installation
  • Aspen air purifiers
  • Home insulation
  • And more!

We not only adhere to the highest industry standards, we strive to be the industry leader in the home improvement-related services we provide. We also use state-of-the-art products and technology that are designed to fix your home. Plus, as the authorized Basement Systems dealer in Rosemere, QC, we offer limited warranties on our products, including perimeter drains, crawl space encapsulation systems, and foundation products. To schedule your free estimate or discuss our financing options, click the button below and get started.

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Our Basement Waterproofing Solutions in Rosemere

Basements are a common spot for water intrusion in homes due to the soil around them. When soil gets wet, dries out, or is displaced, it can cause shifting around the basement and lead to cracks or other vulnerabilities in the exterior wall. Though this is a common problem, the right solution for your home can be a unique combination of techniques and products. Thankfully we carry all of the most up-to-date basement waterproofing products available, including sump pumps, perimeter drains, wall repair products, and more.

Don't let water intrusion stop you from using your basement the way you want to. Whether it's a simple storage area or you're looking to finish the space, keeping it dry will do wonders for the long-term health of your home.

Professional Basement Finishing & Remodeling Services

If you see your unfinished basement as an opportunity for expansion rather than just another dingy, dark room for storage, then you've come to the right place. We can improve and transform all aspects of your basement, including the walls, floors, ceiling, insulation measures, and finishing touches to give it your special flare. The benefits of basement finishing are endless and can create a totally new, usable space in your home. Some design ideas we can help you explore include:

  • Additional living space
  • In-law apartment
  • Office space
  • Home gym
  • Entertainment center
  • Play area for children

As an authorized Total Basement Finishing contractor, we use products that include a 50-year basement wall warranty and a 30-year ceiling tile warranty. Plus, our waterproof basement flooring options are built to last and fight off moisture that can be present in basements. To explore your basement remodeling options and get a free quote, click the button below and schedule your consultation.

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Foundation Repair & Structural Improvements by Systèmes Sous-sol Québec

Foundation problems can affect your entire home in significant ways. If the foundation shifts out of place, it can no longer properly support your home and may result in slanted floors, cracked walls, cracked ceilings, windows and doors sticking in place, and more. Similarly, when your foundation is cracked it can allow for serious water intrusion or pest infestations. Both pests and water use foundation cracks as their way into your home where they wreak havoc, especially when mold begins to grow. What starts as mold or mildew around the foundation can negatively affect whole-home air quality from top to bottom and result in wood-rot, compromising the structural integrity of your home.

Foundation products & services we offer:

  • Push pier systems
  • Helical foundation piers
  • Crawl space supports
  • Basement wall anchors

With our full suite of foundation repair products, we can address almost any foundation problem you may be having. Unsure about the health of your home's foundation? Start with a free inspection and cost estimate from us.

Crawl Space Encapsulation, Sealing, & Other Repair Services

Systèmes Sous-sol Québec installs the unbeatable CleanSpace® crawl space encapsulation system that will take your crawl space from dirty and useless to clean and usable storage space. In addition to sealing off your crawl space and making it waterproof, we also offer crawl space jacks for structural support and prevention of sagging crawl space ceilings— this will also help prevent sagging of floors above the crawl space. To finish off your new crawl space, we also install access wells and thermal insulation to protect your property.

The CleanSpace® system completely transforms your dirt floor crawl space into a sealed environment, dramatically reducing the humidity levels. Lower humidity levels can reduce or eliminate mold growth, rot, and pests from your crawl space. This ensures long-term home health and air quality, starting with your crawl space. We offer free estimates on any of our crawl space encapsulation and repair services in Rosemere.

Get a free estimate on any of our services in Rosemere!

If your home needs repairs or improvements in the Rosemere area, call us. We offer free estimates on any of our foundation repair services, crawl space encapsulation and repair, basement finishing, home insulation, and air purifier installation. Call 1-450-915-2837 or click the button below to get started.

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Job Stories From Rosemere, QC
Sump pump problems in Rosemère , Qc

This Rosemère customer had been thinking for a few years about changing his sump pump for a more efficient one but he kept postponing this project year after year until his pump stopped working. So he had had enough of this situation and decided to call on our services to have a pump that would meet his needs and that could continue to operate during power outages.


For this project, the solution that was chosen by the customer after our specialist presented him with options was to install our TripleSafe sump pump. This is provided with two levels for two different flow rates. When the first level is reached, i.e. a flow rate of 8,300 liters per hour, the second level will automatically engage. This second level allows water to be drawn at a flow rate of 14,750 liters per hour. In addition, this pump is equipped with a battery that triggers instantly upon loss of current. In a single charge, this battery allows the pump to draw 43,530 liters. That is why it was the best option for the customer, because for him it was undeniable to have a pump that would work, even when the power was out.

From now on, this customer no longer has to worry, because he has a secure system which is one of the best on the market.

Sump pump problems in Rosemère , Qc - Photo 1
Work Requests From Rosemere, QC
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
I have an unfinished crawl space connected to the basement and musty odors. I'm looking for recommendations and quotes for how to improve the space.
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
Fissure de fondation a être évalué s.v.p.!
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
Bonjour J'aimerais avoir plus d'info sur le système de pompe puisard secondaire et pompe à batterie Merci
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
Fissures sur le revêtement extérieur en brique Fissures a l'intérieur Dégâts d'eau à chaque année
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
Nouvelle fissure apparente sur la fondation extérieure à vérifier. fondation en béton coulé.
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
Il y a des affaissements à certains endroits du sol de la cave sanitaire où se trouvent des colonnes de soutien de la structure. Le sol est humide et la cave mal aérée
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
Fissure mur de fondation, plancher sous-sol et margelle a réparer
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
I have a cold cellar in my finished basement. I recently noticed a moisture issue that affected some of my laminate flooring. I believe it comes from the cold cellar. I'd like to waterproof the cold cellar.
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
J'aimerais installer une pompe de puisard avec batteries et je voudrais un estimer s'il-vous-plais. Merci
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
Repair cracks in the foundation above basement windows.
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
Fix foundation, increase height of basement and complete it.
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
Sump pump replacement
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
My sump pump trips the breaker every time I turn it on
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
Hello, Our shower leaked under the floor boards in the basement and it now smells like mold. We would like a quote for mold protection as soon as possible. Thanks!
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
2 fissures de type passive dans le solage. Endroit: du coin des fenetres du sous sol et je ne sais pas si les fissures se rendent jusqu au bas du solage. Aucune infiltration d eau observé. Sous sol fini a l intérieur. J aimerais une estimation gratuite et sans obligation de ma part.
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
Bonjour, nous sommes nouvellement propriétaires d'une maison située à Rosemere et nous aimerions faire inspecter notre système de refoulement (puisard, clapet anti-retour) au sous-sol.
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
I would to have a dehumidifier system in my basement. I opened up the walls and found no cracks or leaks. I find the humidity level is high in one spot in my basement (around 65% humidity). Please contact me, I would like to speak to you about installing a system. Thank you
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
Nous avons la piece de la fournaise avec inflitration d'eau à faire corriger.
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
Water infiltration in the corner of the basement (between the main foundation of the house, and the attached foundation of the additional room).
Project Location: Rosemere, QC
I have two cracks in the foundation, visible from the outside. There is no problem with water infiltration, but I would like to get them repaired to prevent any future problems.