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Products & Services
  • Services et Produits de Réparation de Sous-sol
  • WaterGuard Système Intérieur
  • DryTrak Canal de Drainage
  • TrenchDrain Grille de Vidange
  • IceGuard Ligne de Décharge
  • FlexiSpan Réparation de Fissures Murales
  • Scellage des Fissures
  • WellDuct Vidange de Fenêtre
  • BrightWall Panneaux étanches
  • ThermalDry Mur Barrière
  • Installation de Tuiles de Drainage
  • Installation de Couvre-Vents pour Vide Sanitaire
  • SuperPump Système de Pompe
  • Sanidry Déshumidificateur
  • Réparation du Mur de Fondation
  • PolyLevel Levage de Béton
  • EZ Post Réparation de Pont
  • Shotcrete Restauration de Mur
  • Geo-Lock® Foundation Wall Anchors
  • GeoLock®  Street Creep Repair System
  • EverBrace Wall Restoration System™
Before and After Pictures from Saint-Lazare
Sump pump Installation in Saint-Lazare

Sump pump Installation in Saint-Lazare

Before After
Sump pump Installation in Saint-Lazare Sump pump Installation in Saint-Lazare

This old sump pump was not working efficiently, so our client  looked online and discovered our TripleSafe sump pump. She called us to have it installed in her home. The TripleSafe, has 3 pumps in a single uni and has an alarm system that will alert you when your pump is functioning on a battery. No water will leak into your home no matter the weather. 

Company Awards
#1 Canadian Dealer 2020
We are so proud to announce that we have won, for another year, the Top Candian Dealer award within the... [Read more]
25 Miles Award
After having served thousands of clients and repaired thousands of basements, we have finally reached the great milestone of the... [Read more]
2019 Consumer Choice Award
Systèmes Sous-Sol Québec was selected as the winner of the 2019 Consumer Choice Award in the category "Foundations- Replacement and... [Read more]
More Awards
Happy Customers Surrounding Saint-Lazare, QC
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Work Requests

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Reviews From Saint-Lazare
Testimonials From Saint-Lazare
"Honesty is the best policy". Keep up the good work. I always talk about your team to my friends. Since the...
Testimonial by Nasir A. from St-Lazare, QC
Very good, better than expected
Testimonial by Nicole L. from Saint-Lazare, QC
Very good worker. Explained everything.
Testimonial by Robert N. from Saint-Lazare, QC

Saint-lazare, QC Foundation Repair & Waterproofing Contractor

Much appreciate the good after service support which is a very rare thing in the world today....

Basement Waterproofing Contractor

Systèmes Sous-sol Québec is a basement waterproofing contractor serving Saint-lazare and surrounding areas in Quebec. We specialize in removing moisture from your basement.

Wondering how water got into your Quebec basement in the first place? For as long as there have been below-grade structures like basements, there have been leaky basements as a result of water dripping in through foundation walls and flooring.

With our basement waterproofing services, basement flooding will become a thing of the past. Our waterproofing professionals will give you a free wet basement repair estimate and offer recommendations for installing a system that will keep your basement dry!

Systèmes Sous-sol Québec is your local Basement Systems dealer in Quebec. We are authorized to install the best basement waterproofing solutions in the industry, including the WaterGuard basement waterproofing system and the TripleSafe sump pump system.

Saint-Lazare is one of those areas heavily affected by the presence of Iron Ochre. The Régie du Bâtiment du Québec states that iron ochre causes many problems such as deposits of a slimy sludge nature that could obstruct agricultural tile drains (French drains) and let water infiltrate the basement at the foundation wall/slab junction. Other problems caused by iron ochre are the obstruction of backflow valves, accumlulation in ditches and rain water catch basins and sulfur-like odours on basement slabs.

We have repaired many houses with iron ochre problems in Saint-Lazare, and have given our clients the best results they could expect. Please check the pictures on our Saint-Lazare page to see what we did in terms of solutions for iron ochre problems.

Foundation Repair Services

We also offer foundation repair, crawl space repair, and more in Saint-lazare, QC.

Contact us today to schedule a FREE estimate in Saint-lazare, QC. No matter what your issue, our basement, crawl space, and foundation repair specialists are here to help!

Services we offer in Saint-lazare:

  • Wet/flooded basement waterproofing solutions.
  • Lifetime warranty on all perimeter waterproofing systems.
  • Foundation repair solutions.
  • 25-year warranty against manufacturing defects on foundation products.
  • Basement finishing and remodeling services.
  • Crawl space repair solutions
  • Crawl space sealing with CleanSpace vapor barrier.
  • 25-year warranty on crawl space encapsulation systems.
  • Financing Available
  • FREE written estimates and inspections
  • Fast and thorough installations
Case Studies From Saint-Lazare
Our client in Saint-Lazare was concerned because there was water infiltrating her home through a crack in the basement. Upon arrival, we noticed that...
Work Requests From Saint-Lazare, QC
Project Location: Saint-Lazare, QC
Infiltration d eau dans le sous-sol
Project Location: Saint-Lazare, QC
Something is amiss. Does not fitting and a crack in the foundation.
Project Location: Saint-Lazare, QC
Moved here 1.5yrs ago. "Settlement cracks" found in the inspection have started heaving, went from maybe 1/8 or hairline to 1/4 with elevation. Hollow sound under parts of the slab. Some doors rubbing intermittently. Window and door frame trim opening up. Master bath tiles separating in one spot. Hairline crack in the garage is expanding a little. Some gyp in my daughter's room has a vertical crack up by the window. Hardwood floors starting to have gaps of 1/16 to 1/4 inch. You know, all fun stuff ha ;)
Project Location: Saint-Lazare, QC
Just moved into our house 3 months ago, it is on block foundation with a crawlspace, built in 1955. In the month of january, with the multiple thaw-freeze cycles, our house has shifted. There is evidence of foundation breakdown/sinking. Cracks in walls, cracks in foundation, doors cant close, warped patio deck... We are looking for an evaluation of the foundation problems and how to fix it
Project Location: Saint-Lazare, QC
In our newly purchased home, recently noticed the following problems. - Presence of efflorescence (white stains) and moisture on brick outside. The location of stains is in the front of house and near the basement. The presence seems to be concentrated where the sump pump is located in the basement. - Problematic humidity level in the basement. - Opened some drywall panels during electrical work and found black/white stains on the back of drywall panels on the basement, as well as water/moisture in the isolation material, and few other places. I know this area is well known for having "ocre ferreux", but I confirmed that the french drain was cleaned recently. A plumber also came to check and confirmed that the whole system seems to be working fine. I am beginning to suspect that there is an issue with the permeability of the basement, our the plumber was wrong and there is an issue with the sump-pump or french drain.
Project Location: Saint-Lazare, QC
Hello, Our sump pump needs to be replaced. The drum is corroded as well. Thanks, Shane
Project Location: Saint-Lazare, QC
Hello, I would like to have an estimate for possible foundation crack repair and window well (s)
Project Location: Saint-Lazare, QC
Crack in the foundation cause water leakage during spring thaw
Project Location: Saint-Lazare, QC
Hello, We have a concrete balcony and under that we have a cold room. When it rain we have water that leaks into the cold room only. Looking to get it fixed Thanks
Project Location: Saint-Lazare, QC
Two rooms in the basement have half-foundations / half crawl space because of large rocks in the vicinity. I would like the open crawl spaces sealed with proper ventilation and/or drainage for both rooms.
Project Location: Saint-Lazare, QC
Avoir conseil pour isolation et vérification suite à une observation.
Project Location: Saint-Lazare, QC
I need our sump pump replaced and brought up to code. There's a strong odor coming from the pit.
Project Location: Saint-Lazare, QC
Nous voulons finir notre sous sol. Mais il est très humide et nous redoutons la présence de moisissures. Le tuyau d'évacuation du puisard gèle en hiver.
Project Location: Saint-Lazare, QC
I'd like to get an egress window installed in my basement, I would like a quote.
Project Location: Saint-Lazare, QC
Hi there, We noticed we had some water infiltration in our basement today. We just wanted a specialist to come in and give us an estimate for repairs. The damage is on one section of a wall between two windows. Thank you for your time, Martin
Project Location: Saint-Lazare, QC
We have about 2200 feet long french drain that collapsed Under sand. No gravel was installed. how much it costs to do an internal solution, please.