Press Releases

January 15, 2021
Systèmes Sous-sol Québec has won the Consumer Choice Award for the third time in a row for the category Foundations - Replacement and Reinforcement, in the Greater Montreal area.

September 22, 2020
Systèmes Sous-sol Québec has won again the Canadian Top Dealer Award within the Contractor Nation network
March 17, 2020
With the current situation regarding the Coronavirus, we are doing our best to keep everyone safe

January 15, 2020
Systèmes Sous-sol Québec wins for the second time the Consumer Choice Award for the Foundation repair and replacement category for the Greater Montreal area.

January 16, 2019
Systèmes Sous-sol Québec wins the Consumer Choice Award for the Foundation repair and replacement category for the Greater Montreal area.

October 5, 2018
At the Basement Systems network annual conference, we won the award for #1 Canadian Dealer 2018

October 14, 2015
Systèmes Sous-sols Québec was recently selected by CAA Québec as a recommended company.

October 5, 2015
Basements Systems Quebec had the chance to demonstrate its leadership in basement and foundation repairs to more than 300 building inspectors from across Canada during the national conference of the CAHPI.
September 16, 2015
We will be discussing Basement and Foundation problems at a seminar on the subject held during the National Conference of the Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors held in September.

September 15, 2015
Basement Systems Quebec recently received an award for ranking among the top 50 dealers of Basement Systems Inc.

March 9, 2015
Do you know that our product CarbonArmor was chosen to be showcased at the New Products and Highlights Pavilion at the 2015 National Home Show? Consult one of our specialists at the show to find out how we can fix your bowing basement walls!

August 19, 2014
Basement Systems Quebec recently received an award for ranking among the top 50 dealers in the annual Basement Systems Convention held this month of August in Connecticut - USA.

August 13, 2014
After the conference held back in May with the GMREB, GMREB TV conducted an interview with the representative of Basement Systems Quebec touching the most sensitive issues of water infiltration and moisture problems in the basement and crawl space.
May 16, 2014
More than 500 real estate agents attended the annual conference of the CIGM, where the waterproofing specialists from Basement Systems of Quebec offered advice regarding typical basement and crawl space water problems.
January 23, 2014
Basement Systems Quebec presented their advice and expertise to real estate investors during the conference. Ca which was held at Hotel Universel in Montreal last Tuesday.

September 13, 2013
Basement Systems Quebec earned awards for basement waterproofing and foundation repair at this year's Team Basement Systems Convention.