Foundation Repair Case Studies - Page 2

We have received the following request from a Vimont customer: "Hello, I have a crack to repair, but also I...

Mr. Dobrin has lived in his home in Westmount for over 30 years. He had added a garage to his...

It had been almost 4 years since Mr. Ephraim had cracks fixed in the foundation of his house, but the...

Our client Sabine who lives in Montreal had foundation problem in her house. It had cracks for several years and...

Mr. Boerr's had a house in Montreal that started to sink into the ground. There were several exterior and interior...

Ms. Chong had a big problem with cracks on one of the foundation walls. She had covered her exterior wall...

Ms. Berryman noticed over time that cracks had been created in several places on the walls of the exterior foundation...

Your home’s structural literally rests on its foundation. If you ignore a minor problem with your foundation, it could turn...

In the past, Mr. Patry had poured concrete over his exterior foundation walls that had cracks. However, he recently discovered...

We were fortunate enough to bid on a client whose home had a serious problem of failure in the basement...

When one of our clients reached out for us with their foundation issues, we knew there was something we could...

There were disturbing cracks in the foundation walls of Mr. Millette's house. He wanted to strengthen and solidify the foundation...